Topic 1: Introduction of new members and welcome ceremony
Topic 2: Election and inauguration ceremony of the chairman of the iTAP technical group
Topic 3: Introduction to the iTAP Testing Working Group
Topic 4: Proposal 1: iTAP test standard project: passed
Topic 5: Introduction to the work progress of the technical group
Item 6: Review of the Minutes of the Fifteenth Meeting
Item 7: Proposal 2: iTAP Technical Architecture Standard: Adopted
Item 8: Proposal 3: iTAP Access Layer Standard - Control Instruction Proposal: Noted
Item 9: Proposal 4: iTAP Application Layer Standard - iTAP Access Control Application Layer Standard Proposal: Approved
Topic 10: Proposal 5: iTAP Application Layer Standard - iTAP Payment Application Layer Standard Proposal: Approved
Item 11: Proposal 6: iTAP Application Layer Standard - iTAP Ticket Application Layer Standard Proposal: Noted
Item 12: Proposal 6: iTAP Application Layer Standard - iTAP Application Layer RID Allocation Rule Proposal: Noted